The Lot Documentary

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    About the Film

    THE LOT tells the story of 55 years of ultimate frisbee at Columbia High School. From its birth as a sport to its status today, ultimate remains an elusive endeavor in the world of commercial team sports. Neither varsity nor amateur, the egalitarian principles of ultimate have carried across generations and remain at the forefront today.


    Independent documentaries need independent support. The film is entering post production and needs fresh funding to continue. Your contributions go towards producing a rough cut of the film.



    The Lot reflects the changing culture and attitudes towards sport in America through the prism of the fanciful flight of the frisbee as told by the pioneers who founded a new worldwide sport 55 years ago.

    Popularized during the countercultural late 1960s, frisbee is a humorous, fair and inclusive activity. But in 2023 ultimate frisbee is a competitive team sport on the precipice of the mainstream. Our journey begins where a game became a sport: A small, oddly-shaped and partially hidden parking lot in Maplewood, NJ.

    Ultimate Archives

    The Lot is more than a film. By capturing and preserving historical content with the earliest players, The Lot is an archival resource for generations to come.

    With high-quality interviews of dozens of pioneers and a repository of newspaper articles, photographs, printed material and more, The Lot preserves the full story of how ultimate was born — and survived.

    Ultimate Archives

    The Lot will be more than a feature film. We are capturing and preserving interviews with the earliest pioneers of our young sport for future generations

    Archival material including newspaper stories, photographs, videos and more —some of it never before seen — will find a home at UltiArchives.

    Supporters, Advisors & Crew

    Supporters and Investors: Gwen Ambler, Jen Barton, Kate Bergeron & Mike Gull, Dave Claycomb, Julie Cook, Candy Johnson, William Brotman, Karl Cook, Courtney Eudaly, Mike DeNardis, Dominique Fontenette, Pete Gilchrist, Nick Gorevic, Homeboy Sandman, Robert Klein, Chris Lehmann, David Leiwant, Pat Leonardo, Kristin & Jason Lund, Chris Mazur, Dave Raflo, Dee Rambeau, Jan Russak, Bob & Rick Schlipf, Henry Thorne, Becca Tucker, Matt Weiss, Ryan “The King” West, Geoff West, Ben Worthen

    Advisors: Jody Avirgan, Remco Bikkers, Eric Eckelman, Judd Ehrlich, Zane Friedkin, Rosalie Miller, Jon Read

    Crew: Colton Caulfield, Daniel Chalfen, Chuck Cleary, Noah Crean, Rob Featherstone, Seth Gleaner, Iari Varriale, Anna Kristofick, Andrew Park, Matt Radecki, Ilja Willems, Gab Johnson, Dennis Brady